The Challenge Of Helping Those Who Fear Love
Please note that I am not a professional offering advice. The views shared here are simply my personal opinions and should not be considered expert guidance.
People who have endured pain throughout their lives frequently grow accustomed to it. To overcome trauma, therapy, a sincere person must step in to help them heal or the victim must be driven to end the destructive cycle. However, depending on the individual, you may be able to persuade them that you have their back, but they may not believe it.

Everybody has a different upbringing, and our past does not determine our future. However, we are sometimes blind to our own shortcomings. We don’t realize we need to change our ways until someone else points them out. Our surroundings and the people we choose to surround ourselves with can have a positive or negative impact on our behavior. Unfortunately, some people become so used to toxic environments that they begin to accept them as the norm. As though that’s how life ought to be.

Those who are insecure and lack self-worth frequently look to other people for approval. Fearing isolation, they will deliberately compromise their self-respect and peace of mind to blend in with the wrong crowd. However, it takes a strong-willed person to understand that solitude can indicate strength and self-love.

Helping Someone See Sincerity In A World Of Hurt

It can be challenging to persuade someone who is operating in a low vibrational mindset that your intentions are sincere. Why? Because they have never known true love and have spent their entire lives being mistreated by others. They allow past trauma to cloud their judgment, but the sincere, kind-hearted person only wants the best for them. The belief that “good people do not exist” has become embedded in their minds. However, the only reason they think that way is because of the people and circumstances they have encountered in their lives.

Additionally, those who have never experienced true love may find it frightening. If they sense that their bond is growing stronger, they might take action to sabotage the relationship. Alternatively, they may flee out of fear of getting their heart broken.
Trauma Affects Self-Worth And The Power Of Positive Change

Trauma can impact your sense of self-worth as well. You can spend your entire day telling someone that they are worthy and that you are proud of them, but it is up to them to believe that they are. Spending time with people who constantly criticize everything about you does not help your insecurities. It may surprise you to learn that your mind will rewire itself to think more positively about yourself if you cut off contact with those who constantly bring you down.

After a while, a person will become exhausted from carrying heavy burdens. Even though you know that there are jealous, malevolent, unsupportive, and pessimistic people in your life, you may find it difficult to let them go. Your mind has been conditioned to think that those people are deserving of your time, care about you, and act in a way that is acceptable. So when the right person comes into your life you unintentionally push them away because you don’t have much experience with decent people.

Eventually, you’ll exhaust yourself trying to help people who are afraid of change and don’t want to heal. And one day you’ll make the difficult decision to let them go permanently. Despite your best efforts to assist them, things aren’t turning out the way you had hoped. Therefore, you willingly give the matter to God.