Exotic Pets Topping Google Searches Across States
While everyone’s still crazy about dogs and cats in the US, there’s this whole trend of people getting hyped up about some seriously rare pets. It’s like sticking to the usual humans and then stumbling upon the wild world of exotic dancers. Suddenly, non-traditional pets are the new thing!
According to recent Google search data, people in different states are looking for the weirdest pets. Ferrets are stealing the show, according to the research team at Animal Matchup. They dug into Google searches for over 40 exotic pets. Wild, right?

Ferrets are the hotshots in the strange pet scene in eight states, like Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, Oregon, South Dakota, and Tennessee. Florida takes the cake, with over 45,440 searches each month for these tiny, fun-loving creatures known for being very sociable.

I never had a ferret growing up, mostly because I thought they resembled rats and gave me the creeps.

Not too far away, goldfish are thriving in 6 states – Delaware, the District of Columbia, Michigan, Montana, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin. People are hooked on their flashy shades and easy upkeep, especially in Michigan where they’re getting over 14,560 searches monthly.

These aquatic beauties are stunning, but I’ve got a confession – keeping fish alive is a challenge for me. Back in the day, I had an aquarium with a few fish, and before I knew it, they were sleeping with the fish. Can’t quite figure out where I messed up.
The Lowdown On Exotic Pets And Hamsters – State-Specific Google Searches

People in six states, like Arkansas, Maine, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington, are really into looking up hamsters. Pennsylvania, with 23,160 searches per month – seems like they prefer low-maintenance pets. Hamsters are total cuties.
And their easy-care vibe is perfect for busy folks. But don’t forget to shower your little buddy with some love and attention. They have feelings too.

Chinchillas, with their soft fur and cuteness overload, is a hit in five states: Alaska, Indiana, Louisiana, New York, and Utah. In the Big Apple, they’re rocking 35,390 searches every month. I’m totally into the roundness of chinchillas—they’re like chubby bunnies, one glance and you might mistake them for one!
Bunnies Are Among The Most Googled Exotic Pets Nationwide

Bunnies are killing it regarding searches across five states: Arizona, California, Minnesota, Virginia, and West Virginia. California leads with over 122,720 monthly searches, making rabbits the ultimate web stars in the Golden State.
In elementary school, my sister and I visited one of our favorite teachers’ classrooms after school hours because she had a cute pet rabbit in the room. Since I had never held a rabbit before, I was tempted to pick it up. The moment I picked it up, I panicked and dropped it on the ground because I felt something enormous inside its body.

As he ran under a bookshelf, my sister and I were forced to grab him carefully to prevent him from escaping. As soon as I explained what had happened to our teacher, she assured me that what I felt was his bone and that I should not be concerned. Thank goodness the poor creature was not injured.
Hedgehogs And Lizards

Hedgehogs have become popular in four states – Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, and Wyoming. Meanwhile, lizards, being cool pets that are low-maintenance and all, are stealing the spotlight in Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, and North Dakota.

It appears that hedgehogs and lizards are not exciting pets. In terms of appearance, they are quite cool, however, when it comes to interacting, they are somewhat dull.
Sugar Gliders

People in three states—Connecticut, Kansas, and Vermont—showed the most curiosity about sugar gliders. Connecticut took the lead, with over 4,670 searches per month for these fun-loving, nighttime marsupials. I am unfamiliar with sugar gliders, but after conducting research and discovering that they are flying possums, I plan to avoid them.

Possums have always been a fear of mine, and the fact that some can fly makes them even more frightening.
Monkeys, Serval Cats, And Spiders
Monkeys, serval cats, and even spiders are searched as the top exotic pets in a couple of states. Looks like folks are keen on inviting a monkey to their family gatherings! This particular animal has always fascinated me. I am not surprised that some people wish to keep them as pets. This practice has been in existence for some time.

A spider is also a cool animal in terms of appearance, but I would never consider keeping one as a pet.

It never piqued my interest, and the thought of spider eggs makes me want to vomit.

Serval cats, however, are absolutely beautiful animals. But in my opinion, they are not household pets. They appear native to the wild.

The fact that these cats possess wild instincts makes it necessary for them to live in a spacious environment away from humans. It kills me when people adopt wild animals and attempt to turn them into domestic animals. That is not ideal.
Exotic Pets Like Guinea Pigs, Parrots, Skunks, And Wolves
Completing the list, we have guinea pigs, parrots, skunks, and wolves with 1 state showing the most interest in each.
I don’t see how this is considered exotic. Guinea pigs aren’t uncommon to have. As part of the rodent family, they share similar cute features to hamsters, which makes it difficult for me to distinguish between the two.

Parrots are nice to have as pets. I love how there are ones with variations of colors that add a vibrant touch to your home.

Skunks belong outdoors, far away from me. They emit such a foul odor that their stench can be felt throughout an entire city.

It does not make sense as to why anyone would choose to keep a skunk as a pet. But for those who do have one, keep your windows cracked, fans blowing, incense burning, and air fresheners at hand.

Now, this must be a joke. Wolves definitely should not be allowed in your home. Keep them out! Their natural habitat is the wilderness, and they cannot be domesticated.

Understandably, you may want to treat them as you would your dog, but the truth is that they are wild animals with strong predatory instincts. A domestic environment is not capable of meeting their needs.
To find the most searched exotic pets, Animal Matchup excluded dogs and other popular pets from the list and compiled a list of more than 40 exotic pets that are relatively rare or unusual to keep or are generally thought of as a wild species rather than as a domesticated pet.
They then looked at each state’s exotic pet Google searches for the last 12 months. The exotic pet was entered in both their standard form, e.g., ‘hamster pet’ as well as other related keywords such as ‘hamster for sale’, ‘hamster price’, ‘hamster care’, and so on. They then calculated the search volume of all related keywords for each exotic pet in all states.