10 Crystals To Enhance Your Sleep And Soothe Your Mind, Body, And Soul
Although crystals may look like fancy rocks, they have much deeper meanings that can benefit you in the long run. Brett Larkin, a crystal expert at Tiny Rituals, explains why crystals have been proven to help improve sleep. The importance of sleep in maintaining good health cannot be overstated.
“Sleep is a vital time for our body to rest and for our cells to heal and rejuvenate.”
“Good sleep helps us to be productive, it boosts our metabolism, and it helps our immune system to standup the challenge and thrive.”
“Healing crystals can help us to find that place of rich and rewarding slumber.”
“There are several crystals that will help to soothe anxieties and clear the mind, granting us that mental space we need to let go of our worries and to find that mental space of rest.”
“By placing one of these rocks beneath your pillow or on your person, you could clear out negative energy and finally get the solid sleep you need.”
In the list below, the crystal experts at Tiny Rituals discuss ten of the best crystals for sleep and their advantages to the mind, body, and soul.
1. Selenite
Clears the mind and induces a sense of calm, as well as removing negative energy from the body.
With Selenite, your inner thoughts are brought to a state of Zen-like calm rather than a chaotic state of confusion. It is common for people to have difficulty relaxing their minds to the point where their thoughts feel as though they are racing in their heads. Therefore, this crystal is ideal for reducing mental stress.
In addition, it contributes to a restful night’s sleep. There is an immediate relaxation effect that is created by this crystal’s high-frequency hum.
In the presence of Selenite, you will be surrounded by tranquility and can eliminate negative energies. This is exactly the state of mind needed for you to rest easy regardless of the state of the world. This world is filled with negative energies. Thus, you must do everything you can to ensure that your energy is protected, since peace of mind is what facilitates a smoother life. Furthermore, making decisions that are not impulsive tends to lead to better results when your mind is relaxed.
2. Celestite Crystals Enhance Intuition And Clarity
Provides a connection to intuition and higher purpose, helping relieve jumbled thoughts. Often, when our intuition tries to inform us about something, it nudges us. Let’s say that you are out one night with a group of underage friends who have a history of drinking alcohol while driving. Suddenly, your gut starts feeling weird. Why is that? Well, because it is your intuition warning you that you need to reconsider your course of action. If not, severe consequences may result.
Celestite is a mineral crystal that is often associated with relaxation, tranquility, and a sense of well-being.
There is some evidence that its properties may indirectly contribute to a more peaceful sleep environment and improve the quality of sleep.
Additionally, it helps bridge the gap between the third eye, heart, and crown chakras, which leads to a deeper sense of spirituality, open-heartedness, and intuitive knowledge. We are all spiritual beings; therefore, having a tool that opens the third eye and improves intuitive abilities can be a lifesaver in many situations that are not obvious to us.
Connecting with our intuition and a higher purpose can soothe jangled thoughts and let us enter a place of restful relaxation. There is no doubt that this statement is true as we often struggle with our intuition on an internal level. Intuition can sometimes try to convey a message, but depending on what it is, we may not wish to believe it. In other words, we may question whether our intuition is accurate or misguided, which causes confusion.
3. Lepidolite
The natural ore of lithium allows for the promotion of serenity through the practice of self-love. A person must first love themselves before they can love others.
Overactive minds can be treated with Lepidolite as a medicine.
Known for promoting peaceful sleep through the pathways of self-love, easing stress, and bringing you to a state of serenity, Lepidolite is a gentle and joyful purple gem. Self-love is the foundation for emotional well-being and mental clarity, and Lepidolite cultivates this by encouraging self-acceptance and compassion.
By working with Lepidolite, individuals can release negative thought patterns and embrace a more positive self-view. This process enhances personal tranquility and enables healthier relationships with others.
We are better able to sleep soundly when our minds are clear. When a multitude of thoughts weigh heavily on your mind, it is difficult to fall asleep. Lepidolite also helps us feel joy, gratitude, and other positive emotions, which promote a deep, restful sleep.
4. Howlite
Slows the heart rate and calms hot heads and tempers. Therefore, people with bad tempers should be entitled to a solution that will help to calm them down.
A Howlite stone is commonly used to reduce heart rate, calm tempers, and prevent the mind from fragmenting into a million pieces. People with hypertension will benefit greatly from this crystal.
As a gentle stone with abundant healing energy, it is ideal for use as a bedtime soother.
5. Amethyst Crystals Offer Emotional Balance And Calming Energy
This stone is calming and purifying, balancing emotions as well as soothing the body. Amethyst has long been known for its calming effects, making it one of the world’s gentlest and purest stones.
As an effective healing stone, amethyst is known for balancing your emotions and promoting happy dreams. As we all experience nightmares from time to time, this crystal would certainly be valuable to us. The beginning of each day could be made much more pleasant if all our dreams were happy. When you wake up from a nightmare, the memory of that dream may remain in your mind for a while. Due to the fact that some nightmares appear vivid and realistic to us.
For those who experience nightmares, Amethyst provides a sense of soft security, clearing the third eye chakra and raising the vibration of the crown chakra.
6. Angelite
Brings messages from the spirit realms and promotes physical healing. Medicine would not be necessary if this crystal were all that was required to heal our bodies from ailments.
Angelite promotes inner peace and floods your dreams with messages from the spirit realms. It is a wonderful experience to connect with people from the spiritual realm. It is my belief that they act as our guides and can see things that we are not able to. Furthermore, if we seek clarity on a particular situation, they can provide it to us.
In addition to inviting you into the soft mental magic of sleep, Angelite encourages the physical healing necessary for a higher quality of sleep.
7. Smoky Quartz
Beautifully grounding and calming. Using Smoky Quartz crystals, you will be able to fall asleep in a matter of minutes.
Whenever you wish to manifest all of your hopes and desires, Smoky Quartz is the stone to turn to. I strongly believe in the power of manifestation and positive affirmation. Words have great power, which is why we should speak positively about ourselves and refrain from speaking negatively. You may manifest what you think about yourself.
Known for its ease-going nature and instant calming effect, the Smoky Quartz can put you on the path to restful sleep.
8. Rose Quartz
Heals the heart by cutting through anxious thoughts with radiant light. Those who have experienced heartbreak should make use of this stone. The feeling of heartbreak is so painful that it causes your heart to grow cold and makes it difficult to accept new love. However, Rose Quartz may be able to assist in healing those wounds.
Putting your body, mind, and soul at ease is made easier with the help of this stone.
The Rose Quartz crystal is regarded as one of the most powerful heart healers. Consequently, it can heal old wounds and enhance your capacity to love, trust, and take care of yourself effortlessly. All of us need to be reminded to think positively and optimistically.
Keeping Rose Quartz near you may enable you to put an end to those ruminating nightly routines by allowing the peaceful flow of sleep to replace them.
9. Black Tourmaline Crystals Are Shields For Negative Vibes
Keeps negative energies at bay and protects against bad dreams. Every night, place this under your pillow to ensure that you do not experience bad dreams or negative vibes.
There are times when our dreams can be frightening and other times when anxiety won’t allow us to go down into that dreamy place. Agreed! Due to their frightening visuals and messages, frightening dreams are bound to trigger anxiety in you.
However, this stone will ensure that you are guided to gentle rest by informing you that your energy is protected.
With Black Tourmaline, all types of negative energy are banished, and you are enveloped in a sense of calm.
10. Moonstone
Offers acceptance and is soaked in feminine energy.
Moonstone is a stone that is infused with feminine energy and is capable of calming the mind. The calming energy of the Moonstone is similar to a warm hug, offering comfort and acceptance to anyone lucky enough to encounter it.
With just a few minutes of meditation, all that emotional tension will disappear.
Besides enabling easy sleep, Moonstone crystals also prepares the ground for lucid dreaming for those seeking to master and connect with their subconscious.